Beauty + Style

Beauty + Style

Microblading...The New Black
By Tiffany Frohoff

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, you have probably heard of microblading, latest trend that is taking over social media one hairstroke at a time. I guess you could say that brows are the new black. The before and after transformations seen all over Instagram have women all over the country wanting in on this latest beauty trend of full, youthful looking eyebrows. For those of us that weren't blessed with the full, fluffy brow or were victims of the thin, over-plucked eyebrow trend of the '90s, microblading could be a saving grace!

What is Microblading?

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Microblading is a form of permanent makeup where pigment is implanted beneath the surface of the skin. The process is very precise. A handheld tool, not a machine, comprised of 9 – 12 microneedles, in the shape of a blade, is used to create individual, crisp, hair-thin strokes. A well trained microblading artist can completely change the shape, color, thickness, and density of eyebrows to enhance a person’s face. This process is completely different from eyebrow tattooing. Unlike tattooing, microblading does not penetrate into the deep layer of the skin (the dermis) but just below the surface of the skin (the epidermis). Some eyebrow artists incorporate a machine in their service. This is known as a combo or ombre brow and is used when a bolder eyebrow look is desired. If you are trying to achieve a more natural looking brow, the hair strokes created by the handheld device are the most natural and realistic. If bold and dramatic is your goal, then you will definitely want to incorporate the combo or ombre brow into your service.


The Process

The microblading process begins with brow mapping the client, which may also be referred to as the predraw. Proper brow mapping is crucial to creating symmetrical brows that enhance the facial features of each client. Different artists have different methods of brow mapping. I was trained by Everlasting Brows, and I find their method of brow mapping to be the most accurate, precise, and fastest. It begins by placing a sticker ruler across the client's forehead.
Then choosing one eyebrow to map first, using the client’s facial features and bone structure, the artist determines where the eyebrow begins, arches, and ends. The eyebrow is then drawn.
The second eyebrow is then drawn using the same measurements of the ruler. When the predraw is complete, the client can see exactly what the shape of their new brows are going to look like. This is also the time where any adjustments in shape would be made. Once everyone has approved the shape of the eyebrows it’s on to color.



Choosing the Right Color

When choosing color for the eyebrows, the artist looks at the client’s natural eyebrow color as well as skin tone. I always suggest to my clients to go a little more natural with pigment selection. The eyebrows can always be made darker during the perfecting session, which is the second appointment 4 -6 weeks after the initial appointment. It is important to keep in mind that the eyebrows will heal up to 40% lighter in color once they are completely healed. Once the color and shape are agreed upon its time for numbing and then microblading!


During the two weeks after having microblading done the brows will change color. They may seem way too dark during the first 7 – 10 days but remember that they will be 40% darker at first. They may also peel, or look like they’ve faded or even disappeared. These are all normal to the healing process. The brows will reveal their final color and shape after 14 days!

How Long Does Microblading Last? 

Microblading lasts up to 12 -14 months. It is suggested to have yearly touch ups to boost the color.

Who is a Candidate for Microblading?

Not everyone is a candidate for microblading. There are certain medical issues and medications that the brow artist should be made aware of. Some conditions may prevent microblading from being performed, and others may just bring an awareness of how the healing process may unfold. It is so important to always let an artist know of any health conditions or medications prior to your appointment. It is also important to let the artist know if any previous semi-permanent makeup, including tattooing, has been done.

Other than the above mentioned, microblading is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. With a trained and skilled artist, the results of microblading are natural, youthful and flawless. One word of advice, when choosing a microblading artist, do your homework! Make sure the artist you choose is well trained and does quality work. Look at all before and after pictures of their work and make sure you love the style of the brows they do.

Although microblading can be life-changing in a good way, it can also go the other way if you choose the wrong artist!

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